Local Resources

Browse the topics below for resources in and available to Nova Scotia.
Looking for mental health resources? Visit our Mental Health page.
Looking for more information? Visit our Learn More page.
Help finding resources
211 is a free, confidential information and referral service to more than 3,000 community and social services across Nova Scotia. Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Visit: 211 Nova Scotia
Call: 211
Text: 211
Wellness Navigators can help you identify what’s getting in the way of your health, and connects you to available resources in your community and online. This is a free non-urgent service for individuals, families and youth offered by health professionals. Check out this VIDEO to find out more.
Navigation is available to residents of the greater Halifax Regional Municipal (HRM) area with a valid NS health card.
Visit: Community Health Teams
Call: 902-460-4560
Choose option:
1 for Bedford
2 for Chebucto
3 for Dartmouth
4 for Halifax
Kids Help Phone offers 24/7 support across Canada, including professional counselling, information and referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support to young people in both English and French.
Visit: Kids Help Phone
Call: 1 (800) 668-6868
Live Online Chat: Kids Help Phone: Live Chat
Text: CONNECT to 686868
Sexual Violence
Created as part of Nova Scotia’s Sexual Violence Strategy, BreaktheSilenceNS.ca provides information about sexual violence and resources in Nova Scotia.
Visit: BreaktheSilenceNS.ca
Created as part of Nova Scotia’s Sexual Violence Strategy, BreaktheSilenceNS.ca outlines the types of resources and formal supports available in Nova Scotia for those who have experienced sexual assault. It includes information on medical care, reporting to police, and supports available.
Sexual Assault Centres support victims/survivors of sexual violence, educate the public, and work to end sexualized violence in our society. The centres are staffed by trained and experienced professionals.
There are three Sexual Assault Centres in Nova Scotia:
Avalon Sexual Assault Centre (Halifax)
Visit: Avalon Sexual Assault Centre
Call: (902) 422-4240
SANE Response Line: (902) 425-0122
Colchester Sexual Assault Centre (Truro)
Visit: Colchester Sexual Assault Centre
Call: (902) 897-4366
Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre & Sexual Assault Services Association (Antigonish)
Visit: Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre & Sexual Assault Services Association
Call: (902) 863-6221
SANE Response Line: 1 (877) 880-SANE (7263)
Independent, confidential legal advice for survivors of sexual assault in Nova Scotia who are over the age of 16.
This booklet from the Nova Scotia Public Prosecution Service provides sexual assault survivors with plain language information about sexual assault prosecution.
Online exploitation, image sharing, and cyber-bullying
Cybertip.ca provides information, and also receives and processes tips from the public regarding:
- Child pornography (child abuse images and material)
- Online luring
- Child exploitation through prostitution
- Travelling to sexually exploit children
- Child trafficking
- Making sexually explicit material available to a child
- Agreement or arrangement with another person to commit a sexual offence against a child
- Non-consensual distribution of intimate images (of an individual under 18 years of age)
Visit: Cybertip.ca
Report a concern: Cybertip.ca: Report Form
Toll Free: 1-866-658-9022
CyberScan can help victims find a solution to a dispute involving cyber-bullying or the sharing of intimate images.
Visit: CyberScan
Call: 902-424-6990
Toll Free: 1-855-702-8324
Help for youth (13 to 17 years old) who have been negatively impacted by a sexual picture/video being shared by peers. Includes information on removing images/videos from social media.
Visit: NeedHelpNow.ca
Commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking
NSTAY is a program of YWCA Halifax which provides exploited/trafficked youth with wraparound support and connects them with the services they need. NSTAY has been developed with a trauma-informed lens and takes a harm-reduction approach. It is a non-judgmental program and incorporates promising practices from across Canada and is informed by those with experience of exploitation within the sex trade.
Who is eligible?
The program will provide support to youth between the ages of 13 and 24 who have disclosed that they are involved in a sexually exploitative situation or who are suspected of being groomed for involvement in the sex trade, regardless of gender identification, or location in the province.
Any service provider, teacher, social worker or law enforcement agent may make a referral to the NSTAY program.
A program of YWCA Halifax, the Family and Community Outreach Worker (FCOW) works with parents and families of youth who are exploited in the sex trade or at-risk of becoming exploited, regardless of whether or not the youth is also an NSTAY client. Case management with families puts the family at the centre of services and does not need to involve the youth. The FCOW works with addressing the parents’ needs to support or understand what is going on with their children. Family case management can include:
- family-based safety planning
- providing emotional support and problem-solving strategies
- facilitating group-based support programs
- justice system navigation and advocacy
- child protection navigation and advocacy
- parenting strategies
- helping families understand the complexities of sexual exploitation and ways to respond and support their child at the various stages
Self-referrals and service providers may make a referral to the Family and Community Outreach Worker.
Compiled by YWCA Halifax, this resource directory is intended for anyone working with, or caring for children and youth in Nova Scotia who are at-risk, entrenched or
exiting the sex trade.
Visit: TESS Resource Directory
Legal information and advice
The Child Protection Group (CPG) is a service provided by Nova Scotia Legal Aid, which can provide legal information, advice, and assistance for parents and caregivers in child protection matters under the Children and Family Services Act. The CPG assists eligible clients and will work together to reach an early resolution of child protection issues.
Visit: Nova Scotia Legal Aid
Call: (902) 420-8897
Toll Free: 1 (855) 420-7921
Independent, confidential legal advice for survivors of sexual assault in Nova Scotia who are over the age of 16.
This booklet from the Nova Scotia Public Prosecution Service provides sexual assault survivors with plain language information about sexual assault prosecution.
Every individual in the province of Nova Scotia has a legal obligation to report concerns of abuse or neglect of a child under the age of 19 in order to ensure children are protected from harm. Failure to report is a criminal offence.
This fact sheet from the Department of Opportunities and Social Development outlines these legal “Duty to Report” requirements under sections 23, 24 and 25 of the Nova Scotia Children and Family Services Act.
Wellness Programs
The Community Health Team offers FREE virtual wellness programs in partnership with IWK Health.
Programs are offered through Zoom for Health Care that are available to all Nova Scotians who have a valid Nova Scotia health card number.
Topics include:
- Healthy Eating
- Mental Wellness
- Physical Activity
- Parenting
- Managing Risk Factors
Visit: Community Health Teams