SeaStar shares news of passing of Dorado, beloved Accredited Facility Dog
SeaStar is saddened to have said goodbye to beloved Accredited Facility Dog, Dorado, who passed away in July 2021 after a sudden illness.
Dorado was trained as an Accredited Facility Dog by the Pacific Assistance Dogs Society (PADS) and joined SeaStar in 2017, paired with Child & Youth Advocate Kathy Bourgeois as his handler. In his role, Dorado provided support to hundreds of children and youth who had experienced violence or abuse, offering quiet comfort as they found the courage to disclose and begin to find healing. His calm personality and love of being around children made him uniquely suited to this important work. In addition to the profound impact Dorado had on all those around him, his role set new milestones as the first Accredited Facility Dog in Atlantic Canada and the first Facility Dog in Nova Scotia to support a child witness as they testified in court.
Dorado was dearly loved by many and did incredible work in his time with SeaStar. His co-workers at SeaStar and IWK Health are grateful for the opportunity to have worked alongside him, and for the impact he had on so many children, youth, families, and staff. He will be greatly missed, and fondly remembered.
SeaStar remains committed to ensuring that children and youth receive excellent care and support. Though Facility Dog services are not available, SeaStar’s Child and Youth Advocates will continue to provide children, youth, and families with comprehensive support.
Colouring Pages
Remember Dorado with one of his custom colouring pages.
In addition to being fun & relaxing to colour on their own, the illustrations are also good conversation-starters with kids about some of the ways we can take care of ourselves in stressful times – by supporting each other, practicing mindfulness, and getting enough rest.
Free PDF: Download and print

© IWK Health Centre, 2020
Colouring pages are available to download and print for personal and educational use only. Modification or reproduction for other uses, including commercial use, is prohibited.